Thursday, September 30, 2010

wherein I expound the levels of my dorkiness

Warning: in this post, I involuntarily outline what a phenomenal and unequivocal OCD dork I am. I say this so your expectations are lowered and you don't expect one iota of cool. If you're looking for cool, go visit some other blog. You'll find none of that here today. Only dorks lay ahead in these waters.

The rest of my stuff arrived! Can I get a huzzah?

Hey, you! Yes. You in the back there. You didn't huzzah. You'll need to huzzah before we can move on. Don't be a loser. Everyone is waiting on you.

Well, it was a little lackluster, but it'll have to do.

Sorry about that, folks. There's always some jackmunch that has to ruin it for the rest of us. *ahem*

Moving on!

Since the epic Starving Asshats debacle has now come to a conclusion, we can commence with the final phase of the moving process: nesting.

I finally received my two bookcases (one tall, one short), my many boxes of books, one box of VHS tapes (because those dance recital videos aren't going to digitize themselves), and my couch.

So naturally I had to spend the rest of the day organizing and finally nesting. I've been unpacking like a madwoman since I got the first batch of my stuff but really couldn't nest until I had everything.

First things first: books. I had to organize the books. That's the most important thing. I could have left everything else in storage (except my bed), but my books (and I guess my bookcases too) are like old friends. I was beginning to miss them.

But how to organize? At my old place, I had them organized by genre and alphabetized within genre (because I'm an OCD wacko and I worked in a bookstore too long).

But that proved problematic for my psyche when I own books by an author within two different genres. I hate breaking up an author. Seriously, it really bothers me. And I love seeing a row of books by one author. It gives me a perverse kind of pleasure.

Like I said: wacko.

So I did one stack of travel and language books, two shelves of anthologies, how-tos, and non-fiction (read: dork) not including biographies or autobiographies, and then alphabetized the rest of the lot.

But it became clear that I didn't have enough shelf space for all my books as I got into M and N. I got rid of a bookcase in my garage sale, but I also got rid of some books, so I thought it would all fit. Wrong.

Wrong wrong wrong. Durf.

So I spent a chunk of invaluabel time figuring out which books to shelve (because one bookshelf was upstairs and one down), running up and down the stairs with books (my ass is gonna be rockin' tomorrow!), deciding what would both keep me sane until I could procure a third bookshelf and be less work in the long run.

Good god I am a remarkable dork!

I eventually decided to work backwards from Z in the upstairs bookshelf and stack the books in the middle of the sorry ass alphabet on the floor. Poor things. Homeless books are just so sad.

Then of course I spent the rest of my day unpacking everything else that was still in boxes, getting the roommates to help me arrange the furniture in our bizarre house, and hanging pictures.

Our place is starting to look like a home!

Thursday or Friday I'll be off to the Ikea to find a bookshelf (I know some people hate Ikea but damn if I don't love it in my panties!).  I need to get a home for those poor, sad, homeless books.

I will find a home for those books. This will not become The Great Homeless Book Debacle of 1994*.

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*Not a real event. I just made it up. But it sounds tragic, doesn't it?

18 comments mean you love me:

Jenny said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love your dorky self. It makes me feel much less freakish for alphabetizing CDs and grouping books by genre.

Also, when I find a book in the wrong place at the library? Yeah. I have to put it back in the right place.

We shall be dorks together. It'll be awesome. And very well-organized!

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

long live the dorks!

yeah I do that at clothing stores too. and organize the racks as I go. totally compulsive.

The Savage said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

My dorkiness lay in the realm of pointless information and word origins. Dork is Yiddish for penis... just saying...

Jennifer Juniper said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Poor little homeless books!! I hate that. I think mine are magical, or maybe in conspiracy against me, because every time I buy a new bookcase they immediately expand to fill that one too.

Alyson -- Common Sense, Dancing said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hmmm. What troubles me most is that I didn't find any of this OCD at all....I find it -uh- normal.

Rock on sistah. And I recommend going commando at Ikea -- those crazy Swedes need to loosen up.

E said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I am all about alphabetizing of the books! And having a home for all my books. I love books, sigh. And Ikea has some great bookshelves that aren't insanely expensive. I also alphabetize all my CDs and group all sugar/sugar subsitutes together at restaurants...all the splendas, then equals, and sweet n low, and the sugar.

And if there are multiple colors of something, I can be found putting them in rainbow order.

So basically I am saying you are in pretty good company :)

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Jennifer- I know! it's like they replicate themselves! damn magic boosk.

Alyson- hah! will do. commando at Ikea.

E- we're soul mates. clearly. I do the sugar packets too! my closet is by type of clothing and then colorized. and my DVDs are organized by genre and alphabetized within genre. because that's how I look for what I want to watch! heehee!

JP said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

If you didn't know... Dorky women are HAWT.

That is all.

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

oh. well. obviously. or hotness is often underappreciated though. :)

Bitter Betty said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

The reason I'll never own a kindle? Because I love books! I want to have a library some day! Cool right? Or nerdy, whatevs....But while I do not have near as many books as you, I separate by genre, then author and sometimes, I'll color co-ordinate. I'm a tad ashamed but I have an entire shelf devoted to vampire books (not just Twilight), I'm sorry, but it's true. Major dork.

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I know right? I want the Beauty & the Beast library!

and vampires, Kris? *sigh* I'm so ashamed. ;)

Liz said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

wow, starving asshats followed by homeless books?!?! what kind of place you running, girl?

I have a bunch of video tapes from my dance recital days, too.

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

woot! I like to watch those videos and remember when I was flexible.

Suniverse said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

There just doesn't ever seem to be a good way to organize books. I still have a pile of books in the laundry room AND a ton of books in bags in the cedar closet AND two giant boxes of books in the office and no place to put them. But I can't imagine getting rid of them. You know?

Lena said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I'm glad you organize your books by genre too. As I was doing this, Ross made fun of me for how weird I am but after a thirty minute explanation of how it was actually very practical, he now supports my OCD library. Which really isn't OCD after all, we are just normal!

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Sun- I *do* know about keeping books. I have a very hard time letting them go. but I just can't live with homeless books. I'd have to organize them!

Lena- heck yes! we're not weird; we're practical. everyone wants someone like us around to keep everything organized.

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

OMG you're my kind of crazy. My hubby and I are obsessed with books. We have one room that is just one wall of books, just HIS actually, because he's like a book hoarder. They are arranged by topic..all history books..and a few sports books.

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Amanda- I would love to have a wall full of books! I think I might just *be* a book hoarder!

steff- I totes almost bought the Billy bookshelf! I got this grey ladder-like one that I can't remember the name right now.

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