Another photo of my Jeté as I nervously wait for lab results from a biopsy of a lump on her back.
The vet and the nurses fawned all over her of course. She's such a charmer. She was such a trooper too. Didn't even cry when they took the first biopsy. But by the third, girl was hitting notes most sopranos would be jealous of.
Poor thing.
And the vet was hoping for a cyst, but doesn't think it is. Which means that tumor is still on the table as a possibility. I just don't think I can handle that. But there's no way to know until the results come back. Hopefully soon. And so I wait.
15 comments mean you love me:
Keep your head up!!
I hope she's okay. I grew up with cats and I miss the purrs.
I love the picture by the way.
thanks, gals! *muah*
I'm pulling for fatty tumor - totally benign! Good juju your way.
thanks, Sarah!!!
I'm not a cat person, but this makes me want to cuddle!
she's very cuddle-able!
Please come take adorable pics of my cats!!
okay! I'll be right over.
i actually said "awwww," out loud. i aol'd. is that a thing? is that what the kids are saying?
i'm going to think benign-y thoughts for your furry baby.
you awed out loud? that's adorable. and so a real thing! I think. who knows?
thanks, honey!
You and Jete are in my thoughts, my lovely friend.
thank you so much, Nichole. from both me and Jete.
Just thought I'd say that i've been through the tumor thing myself. Bubs has had surgery like 5 times in 2 years for skin cancer. which sucks, but the good news, is that tumors and such on the surface and almost always super easy to take off and she'll be back to normal in no time. It's shitty, but our vet said its one of the best problems to have you have a problem because its totally manageable.
thanks! I appreciate it. hopefully it works out that way.
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