Monday, October 18, 2010

On Cocooning

I cocooned all weekend. I really needed to. Needed to disconnect a bit from the Internet world.

I didn't disconnect completely. Occasionally I'd wander onto Twitter and say hi. Then venture back off again.

I'd read one or two blogs, leave comments, then go stir crazy and have to find something else to do.

Cocooning is not always the same as sitting still.

I had to keep my body busy as I processed the stress I'm going through.

So I spent some days with my bestie running errands and being girls.

I fixed my wonky fucking closet (because it was falling apart because of the wonky ass job they did in the first place and I didn't trust a maintenance man to do a better job than I could. my roommates helped too.). And now it's all organized and stable and lovely.

Got insulted by a man helping us at the hardware store. "Do you have a hammer?" Hrm. Is that the one that does the poundy thing? Grr. Dude, I've built houses. I think I own a fucking hammer! I should have said, is that the flat head or the Phillips head hammer? Asshole.

I hung up pegs for my hoodies and hats (I love hats).

I was going to install my curtains but I didn't own skinny enough screws. Back to the hardware store I must go.

I finished making all my rings and photographed them and set up my Etsy shop! Hooray! Maybe now I can make some money.

I tried over and over to get Jete to sit still for 5 minutes in a row twice a day with a warm compress. She sat for 5 minutes once. And I have the scratches on my leg to prove it. Most times, 2 minutes tops. So that just means I upped the frequency. Girlfriend is not having it.

And I don't think her lump is getting any smaller either. I also may be imagining things but I'm now convinced it might even be getting bigger. Urf.

Will see what the vet says.

If she needs surgery, I'll be setting up a donation box here on the blog for anyone who wants to help out with her vet costs. I understand that most people can't give much, but anything will help.

And I'm okay now. I cocooned. I processed. I'm prepared to deal with the next step in her care. It's not any easier and I'm certainly not happy about it, but I'm okay.

I'm done cocooning.

Of course I woke up today with horrid pre-period cramps (hi, boyos!) and a vicious headache (stupid hormones). So I don't know when exactly I'll be getting out of bed.

But at least I feel better emotionally.

Just in time for my hormonal chocolate and salt binge. Oh boy!

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8 comments mean you love me:

Liz said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Get as MUCH cocooning in as possible now! Oh how I wish I did that more before Kid #1 arrived!!

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

hah! I don't think I'm in any danger of any children arriving at any time. but when I worked full time, I never had cocoon time. :)

Roger said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I always looked for a good term for my "unwinding time" that would work on my wife. Cocooning sounds good. Not to make light of your reasons for doing this. I am glad you found a little piece of mind. Sorry the monthly monster hit you at the same time. Damn biology.

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

well feel free to steal "cocooning" and spread it around!

damn biology indeed!

Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I LOVE your Etsy shop! Off to cocoon now!

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

thanks, darlin! have fun!

Fickle Cattle said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love cocooning sometimes. It makes me ready for the real world again.

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Fickle Cattle- exactly!

Steff- thanks, darlin! I'm sure there's one with your name on it. :)

and thanks for the support. Jete thanks you too.

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