Some sunshinyness for you this Tuesday! These little flowers really were this shiny. Don't you just love that?
Fun Fact: when I was shooting this, kneeling low in the grass too get the perspective I wanted and all that yellow bokeh, a lady walked by with her dog and told me he likes to pee there. Awesome. Damn dogs.
7 comments mean you love me:
Hahaha! Beware of peeing dogs.
I have always loved those flowers... it is yellow promise of summer to come.
Stupid dog.
I love this color - so SUNSHINY!!
Actually, I thin that's kind of awesome.
Did you tell her it must be the only penis she'd seen in a while?
Just for funzies.
- B x
wow. that's breath taking!
so purdy.
wow. i wonder how she didn't realize that comment was so blegh, as opposed to someone *actually trying to make some nice art* in the grass and flowers!
people are so silly. she sees a pisser, and you see the pretty!
The fun fact was giggle worthy!
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