We had some rare blue days last week. And so I headed out with my camera to play with settings. This shot is not as crisp as I'd like but I love the bold contrast of plant against sky. What do you think?
If you click on the photo, you can see other sizes on flickr.
17 comments mean you love me:
very cool!
Lovely, babes.
Also, the bulbs reminded me of holly berries (not sure why), so it was kind of a poignant, "the happiest time of year is definitely over" kind of moment.
Or maybe it's just residual side effects from the copious amounts of flu meds I've been on.
Either or.
- B x
this makes me sad. i want spring!
That is an awesome picture.
wow! this would make for an EXCELLENT album cover. love. love. love.
oh my goodness you guys! thanks for all the sweet comments! I know we're dead in the middle of winter. I kinda like it. :)
you take such amazing photos!
I know this may not translate right but...this makes me think of some crazy, awesome 60s movie.
It's gorgeous. You should sell it to me for $5 so I can hang it in my house. Or for free even...
thanks, meleah!
KLZ, my dear, I can't sell it to you for freeeee, because that wouldn't be selling. that would be giving. <3
Nice! I love roses in all of their phases. They're roses right? :)
actually, I don't think they are roses.
your comment said you love the contrast against the blue, but the picture is black and white ;-)
okay totally read that wrong, time for bed.
you're lucky I love you so much
This reminds me of the opening credits of "Six Feet Under," when the lilies would shrivel and die.
oh what a great compliment! I loved that show. :)
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