Monday, August 9, 2010

Raw Photos Contest: Last Days of Summer Finalists

The inaugural Raw Photos contest is now closed and we have our finalists! We had 25 submissions (not too shabby for our first time), but they were all so excellent I was instantly excited, but also wondering what we'd gotten ourselves into. How would we pick a winner? HOW? This was gonna be harder than we thought. 

I really wanted to pick all of them. Isn't that how a contest works? And I knew many of you, so I really, really had to forget about WHO took the photos and try to be fair. Which is tres difficult. Luckily, I had a partner in crime to keep me in line.

We haven't picked our winner, but here are the finalists (our collective picks between the two of us, but I won't tell which is which). Personally, I tried to focus on keeping with the theme and photo quality. 

Here they are:

By bee3six5:
key west (54)
The color saturation is outstanding and this feels lazy and dreamy.
In the words of Liz Lemon, I want to go to there. 

work summer party :: staying cool
Oh man do I love a unique shot. 
Love the double exposure. Love the water. Love the summery feel to this.

A Little Happiness
This makes me happy in my heart. So sweet, so soft. 
I feel like I'm lying in the grass at the end of summer, counting the flowers.

Wildwood, NJ
So vintage! I believe she took this on a Holga and I loves me some plastic camera.
This feels like summers gone by.

La Tour Eiffel--Piece of Sun
Now, if Ali knew how much I loved Paris, I might accuse her of cheating (but she didn't). 
Nonetheless, the warm light on the structure feels uniquely like Paris in the summer.

By CholeJB
How delicious is this? It's completely wonderful.
The water. The sweet, little hands. The perspective.

Such a great feel to this. Reminds me of the Sandlot.
I imagine those balls had one hell of a long summer.

The winner will be announced tomorrow! How will we ever pick? Which one is your fave?

3 comments mean you love me:

Ali said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I am in love with all of these...all. Omg, so much summer love! And thank you so much for letting me play with you!

EJ said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

All of these pictures are great. For my non-official vote; my vote goes to the photo by steffsux.

There is something that screams end of summer in this picture. I also appreciate the black and white, but it is more than that. When I was younger, the fair was what we all looked forwarded to. The memories of the rides, junk food, and games are what sit in the back of my mind. I try to forget about the tummy aches, but we all know that they are accompanied in the memories as well. Fairs will come and go, but the memories will always be there.

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

thanks for the comments, guys!

winner announced tomorrow!!

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