Last Thursday I had the opportunity to experience my first "Last Thursday," a street fair on Alberta here in Portland. And it was SO much fun. I took hundred of photos of the people and musicians and artists and vendors and their art and wares. I couldn't even upload them all and picking just one to highlight was such a challenge. But you can check out my faves here.
I eventually chose this shot for several reasons. One, I'm pretty proud of it. The lighting is great and I really like the composition. Two, isn't he SO interesting? I don't even know what kind of instrument that is but it's uber cool. Plus? (you'll love this) He had an Irish accent. *swoon* But the other reason I chose this shot is because I absolutely love in my heart of hearts street musicians. They're part of a musical tradition all its own and will always remind me of Europe.
If there was anything I loved most about this insanity masquerading as a street fair, it was the music. A cacophony of differing beats and sounds and styles dancing on the air and creating a competition of energy.
10 comments mean you love me:
I know nuthin' about nuthin' about photography, but this pic is AWESOME!! Good work, my friend ;)
You have the coolest photos and the best blog headers. I love that area of Portland, but haven't been to last Thursday yet. I wonder if you snapped any pics of my little brother who I know was down there. Let's just say he would be an interesting subject and very photogenic.
Natalie- thanks, darlin'! :D
Poppy- aw thanks. I try to make 'em cool. you know how it is. is this the same little brother that has the annoying gal pal? :D
Fantastic. AND an Irish accent? DEFINITE SWOON!
thanks! and I know right? *sigh*
Love this! What a great eye you have.
That would be the one. I'm sure she was him and she is a beautiful girl, but I would like to imagine your camera would capture her gnarled and hideous. Maybe I need to work through my anger. Blogging about it and forwarding it to my brother was a good first step.
Soccer Mom- gracias! :D
Poppy- my camera *is* magic and *does* reveal your true inner beauty. like a Disney film.
oh le sigh, i used to live four blocks off alberta st, and i loved the hell out of last thursday. arg, i miss portland!
i'm now living in new orleans, equally interesting but so different...
and i fell in love with your blog, for giving me great portland nostalgia via pics!
le sigh? I love you already! thank you.
as fate would have it, I have a special love for New Orleans. Igo every year and build with Habitat. such an amazing place! and the food! yummers.
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