Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blogger is an asshole, but I love him anyway

You WordPress people. Oh you. I love you. Usually.

I generally enjoy your blogs, but not because they're on WP. Because I enjoy the content and your unique spaces.

I hate when there's no easily navigable way to find a previous post. That sucks.

And I use WordPress over at Sprocket Ink.

I don't hate it.

I struggle with the photo manager there, though, and we all know how important photo managing is.

But I do hate the self righteousness that some WordPress users seem to get as their gift with purchase. As if WordPress is the be all end all of blogging.  

Why do I say this? I am, *sigh*, considering a move to WordPress.

I do not come by this lightly and I have been very, very happy at Blogger. Blogger has, over the last two years, been very, very good to me.

That is until Blogger crashed for what felt like two millenia and stole some of my images (luckily most of my photos are hosted on Flickr) and a crap-ton of my comments.

That asshole Blogger is making it really hard to stay faithful.

But I do like Blogger even still. And leaving him would be difficult.

I like my layout which I customized myself. I dread re-designing because when the hell would I have the time?

I dread moving my readers over. Every blogger worries about the loss of readers who've been subscribing for years when you move your blog. It's daunting.

And then there's the comments. I would lose all of my comments, which is just...just...awful! The comments are the very best part of this blog. The community that happens here is my very favorite part of blogging.

Plus, it bears repeating, when the hell would I make the move? I barely have time to write these days and I rarely even get to comment on all my fave blogs. Those bloggers must think I died.

But I would really like a better way to respond to comments (and I love that WP makes that easy) and I would love a better domain.

How to the ever, I haven't decided yet.

And I don't want any one of you WP people to preach at me to move or to rave about your god the WordPress. I know you love it. I've heard you.

I don't need you to help me decide. I'll do that on my own in due time.

But if you have any tips about what you did when you made a move from Blogger to WP, any pitfalls, mistakes, success stories? That is always welcome.


We'll see.

9 comments mean you love me:

ISRAEL CARRASCO said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

i use blogger because from my research I found it to be user friendly and i'm not a high tech person on the computer.

Jen said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I'll still love you if you decide to carve your blog in stone tablets. I'm hoping that isn't the case, but I'll love you anyway.

FWIW, I still love blogger. For now.

Erica M said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

WordPress has a Blogger import function. One click, your blog is moved and you won't lose your comments. Good luck on your decision.

Ms. Salti said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I've been thinking of doing the same... don't even know where to begin, though! Good luck!

Vinny C said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Nothing against WP users but to me some of them are like a vegan friend of mine (no offence to vegans either) who insists to everyone she meets that they all have to quit meat.

Nush said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Welcome to the dark side? :)

Am sure that whatever platform you use, the posts will still be fabulous and that is all that is important in the end.

alonewithcats said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Comments are totally the best part of blogging. I really love it when people start talking to each other in the comments section, and it has nothing to do with me. They're just making friends and stuff. It's like watching your toddler talk to another kid on the playground. Except I don't have a toddler. Because I hate kids.

Ley said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I found the hardest part of the move was the redesign. Blogger makes it stupid easy to have it any way you want, but on Wordpress I had to find a theme that was closest to what I want and use it. If I wanted to use a custom theme, I had to use wordpress.org, which meant I had to self-host (not as hard as it sounds, but then, my IT boyfriend/god did it for me).

Definitely use the blog import if you can, then you keep whatever Blogger hasn't eaten. And I'll cosign Jen, I'd totes read you blog etched in stone.

Reckless Sarcasm said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I'm thinking of moving too, but I just redesigned my blog not that long ago. Tough decisions. Ugh.

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