Friday, May 27, 2011

Senior Hotness (or should I say, Senorita Hotness?)

When Liz at A Belle, A Bean, and a Chicago Dog shared her high school senior photo for all of blogdom, she also proposed we all share our senior hotness and do a linkup.

how fabulous is this?

To which I said, GENIUS! Because she is. She really, really is.

My official senior portraits have a bit of a backstory. I'd had braces since like 1927 so I really, really didn't want to have braces in my photos. So my orthodontist, who was THE coolest ortho ever (he was. don't even try to front.), took my braces off just for the photos and put them back on after. Like I said, coolest ever.

So the big day came and I was all brace free, but my skin broke out pretty badly and no amount of Cover Girl was helping this girl. Nonetheless, I slathered on the makeup and off I went. When the photos came back, I HATED THEM. I cried. I thought I just looked so awful. I bawled. The world was over. I might die of THE HORROR! THE HORROR!

Of course, looking back, I may have just been that special brand of insane reserved exclusively for teenagers. Plus I was probably on my period. Just sayin'.

Well my mom ordered her favorites anyway and then we waited like 6 months for the actual photos. Little did I know, the photographers touch those babies up. So my acne-riddled photos turned out like this:

(sorry, all I had were wallet sizes to scan)

I was seriously not that cute in high school, I swears. But I will take the credit for the shiny hair. I've always had good hair.

But the second photo? My mother ordered a HUGE canvas print of the kind billionaires hang above mantles in their castles. Which they delivered to the school. And I had to carry around all day. Oh yes. I think I maybe even had to take the bus home that day. And before you think that's cute, remember that my mom is INSANE and she was so stoked that I was humiliated. Thought it was hilarious. Told everyone she knew.

For the record, so you know how I really looked in high school, I'll show you my senior ID:

Yup. That's a little more accurate. Though I didn't wear flowers on my head every day. Just for special occasions. Like ID picture day.
And here's my favorite photo from senior year of high school:
That's from prom. My date there was one of my very best friends who happened to be on-fire-gay. However, he got the brilliant idea to bleach his eyebrows the night before prom so they would match his hair. No. Just no. Bad gay. Bad. 

Wasn't my dress gorgeous? My aunt in a stunning act of generosity beyond her means bought it for me. It was crocheted with a cream lining and so everyone all night asked if I was naked under the crocheted layer. "Yes," I said, "I came naked to prom. Right." The only thing I remember being wrong about the dress was it was too big in the boobs (as was all my clothing) and I had to get it taken in. 

Now you show me yours. Don't forget to link up!

19 comments mean you love me:

Satan said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

omg girl i have the worst senior picture. i looked fine, it was my hair that was a fucking train wreck.

anyhow, i would give anything for a scanner. i think i can find that damn senior yearbook... i think. gotta be in here somewhere.

i do, however, have other pics from high school in digital form. thankfully!

Alison said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You did not look awful at all! Pretty I'd say. And gorgeous hair. Love the prom photo, so carefree and yes, I thought it was kinda risque, what with you being 'naked' underneath haha

Liz said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

A wreath on the head AND a see-through dress?? You were definitely cutting edge, Andy! Ha!

And your official pics are SO great! You are lucky that you don't have to look back and laugh. :)

THANK YOU for joining in!

Skye said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

dude, you were hot! you can't claim that's all photo touch-ups.

for my senior photos, I'd just gotten a haircut and my mom styled my hair, so it was pretty but I remember thinking I looked nothing like me, and I was a little bummed. sadly, I don't have a scanner :(

Suniverse said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


I love that you wore flowers in your hair for your ID picture. I can't even tell you how much I love that.



- Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Awww, you are just the cutest HS senior! And, yes, you have awesome hair. My hair was so fried by senior year from perms, and home dye jobs. LOL!

I'll have to post my HS pics at some time. They are HILARIOUS!!! Especially because Pretty Handsome Guy had Axl Rose length hair. Hee, hee.

Lance said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

dude, you were very pretty

BTW, i took my best friend who always happened to be a lesbian to homecoming junior year. Glad to know we have that in common.

Galit Breen said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You? Are pure adorable! And your date with the eyebrows and your commentary of it? OMG *Love!*

The Random Blogette said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Dang girl! You were adorable. And yes your hair was amazing.

Poppy said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You do have great hair and a great figure. The only thing I miss from high school is my body.

The Savage said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I have no senior picture. We were supposed to move to upstate New York and at the last minute, pops changed his mind... two days after senior pics were taken... No class ring either.

Utah Mom said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You were so cute. Love the flowers. And you definitely had the coolest ortho ever. Wow!

Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You really have great hair! The shine is amazing!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

"not that cute in High School??" Damn girl you were (and ARE) gorgeous!!!!

Love your prom dress!
The flowers on your was fashionable it is pretty! You were a free spirit!

alonewithcats said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


I didn't get a senior picture taken. I objected to the ordeal on principle. They totally left me out of the yearbook. I was *so* cool in high school.

Julie said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Your hair is perfect! I plan on ordering a life-size canvas of my kid's senior portrait and making him lug it around as well. Thank your mom for the idea!

Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I refused to buy my "senior" picture, I looked absolutely *awful*...I did buy the absolutely crappy year book my school made and there is a class shot in there but still ew!

I'm not sure what year books are like in America but I'm sure they are MUCH better than the English version. ¬_¬ Our Prom totally sucked too! No fun at all! The ones on American films always look AWESOME. lol


Laural Out Loud said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

My senior pic looks almost the same, except people kept telling me I looked like Winnie Cooper from The Wonder Years. I was NOT flattered, lol. And, yes, your dress was AWESOME.

Yuliya said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

So hot, love the dress! My aunt gave me her wedding dress to wear to prom so if we have generous aunts in common.

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