Friday, November 26, 2010

Some Bidness

Firstly of the mostly, I'm guest posting today over at Cat Chat. If you've been a regular reader, you know the story, but please go visit and tell Caren thank you for hosting me and Jeté.

Secondly, but not less importantly, Raw Photos submissions are OPEN!!

Theme: LOVE
This theme is completely open to personal interpretation. Make it personal to you and submit your best shots. 


1. You have to have taken the photo [duh, don't be a jerk and enter someone else's photo. NOT COOL.]
2. The photo has to be a raw photo. What does that mean? That means NO PHOTOSHOPPING. You can screw around all you want with exposure and white balance on your camera, and we'll even let you crop the photo, but that's it. No changing hues. No intensifying colors. No adding aliens or unicorns. RAW PHOTOS, baby. That's what we're looking for. (Both digital and digital scans of film are okay)
3. You have until December 4th to enter a photo. You can enter up to two [2] photos per contest.

Submit here.


3 comments mean you love me:

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

thanks so much for the shout out!!

It was my pleasure to have you there and I hope that it helps!

Cat Chat

Shnerfle said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

:D you guys rock!

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