Monday, November 15, 2010

Not Funny, But Still

My posts haven't been very funny lately. And so I was determined to write a funny post today. Give my new readers and sense of what I'm really like and give my faithful readers a breath of fresh air.

But that won't be happening.

Because I awoke with an intense migraine today.

And I can barely see through the fuzziness to type.

I did want to update everyone on Jeté, however. Also: for the new folk, I never use the accent in her name because I am lazybones. Her name is after the ballet leap and is French in origin. Pronounced with a soft J like Jean Val Jean in Les Mis, the first e pronounced like uh, and tay. Jeté

 Also for the new folk: Jeté has vaccine associated sarcoma. 

So, she had her first dose of carboplatin on Saturday (which is a form of chemo) and now we just hope it is effective. We see the concologist on Friday and hopefully it will be decreased in size enough to determine that the treatment is working. If it is not, we'll have to make another game plan. If it is, she gets treatments 3-4 weeks apart and up to 4 treatments total. 

Then there is surgery. We want a surgeon to cut it out of course. That would be ideal. But cost is a factor. 

If you read back, you'll know that there was some drama with her records and the vaccine companies. One vaccine company has agreed to kick in some money even though we have no proof it was their vaccine she was administered. This is incredible. They're giving us $500 which covers her first diagnostic biopsy (which the other vaccine company agreed and then refused to pay for) and part of the carbo treatment. 

Also, thanks to you incredibly generous people, I'm able to pay for her carbo entirely. I cant tell you how much that means to me. You guys have been so supportive and opened your pockets without so much as shaking my hand. It blows me away. And whatever you've given, from $10 to $100 or a purchase in my Etsy shop has made a difference. Has helped me pay for this treatment. 

So I need to raise the money for surgery. I'm looking at $3000. 

Please tell your friends about my Etsy shop or shop yourself. I have rings and pendants and earrings. All cute stuff for Christmas too. I'm also learning how to make cloth flowers so hair barrettes will be coming at some point soon. All the proceeds go to pay for Jeté and her surgery. 

Or if you prefer, the donation box is still up in the right corner of this blog. If you can give $5, it makes a difference. 

If you can't give, please tell your friends or your readers or your followers on Twitter. 

Thank you so much. Now let's all hope this treatment works!

12 comments mean you love me:

Bird Shit said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hi just found your blog...sorry to hear about your cat :(

Dana said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

i just posted on my facebook page. gonna donate now too - believe me, i know the boat you are in. so sorry this is happening - but we WILL help you get Jete that surgery!

Dana said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

woo hoo!! i already have a friend who wants to buy. she wants to know though if you could have a ring model for the rings. she has small fingers and is concerned about the size. i told her i believed the rings were adjustable, but also said i would check with you.

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Bird- thank you much

Dana- ohmycrap thank you!! and I got your donation too. you're like a superstar! I could try and photograph the rings on my hand if that might help. all the rings are adjustable, but some have larger buttons than others.

Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hurray! I'm glad that things seem to be working out for you and Jete. And don't worry about not posting anything funny; I just wrote a blog about memorial photography so I guess I win the prize for being most un-funny today.

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

well as long as I'm not the most unfunny ;)

thanks much, Colleen!

Nush said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Fingers crossed for Jete!! Tried to spell her name with the accent...then realized I couldn't find it on my laptop keyboard... Need a new laptop I think.

Sounds great that the vaccine company are helping finally as well. Nice one.

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

thanks, Nush! I have to use a keyboard shortcut. which I'm usually too lazy to do. :)

Simone said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

you're a good mommy. lots of love and prayers your way.

Dana said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

girl no worries! i am going to pass the info along to my friends and let them know :-)

and i am MORE than happy to help... i mean that. if i had more i would donate more. but payday is Friday ya know :-) so hang tight - a little more coming your way!

Andygirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Dana, you are just a freaking rockstar. thank you. a friend of yours bought two rings today. :)

Dana said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

if there is anything else i can do to help, i am more than happy to do so :-) seriously, just let me know!

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