Sunday, March 18, 2012

An Open Letter

Lovely readers, I know I haven't written in a while and I promise I'll get you a life update post soon. But first? I have to say some things. 

Dear GOP, Christian Right, and especially you, Rush Limbaugh,

Aside from being misogynistic pricks, you're behaving completely batshit. And I don't approve. I have several points to make and I need you to shut your never-ending chatter and actually listen.

First of all, stop calling women sluts and whores. It's disgusting enough when you persist with the name-calling in order to avoid any sort of logical rhetoric, but when you attack individual women, especially as representative of blanket female behavior, you really sink into new depths of depravity. You think we're bad? Your behavior trumps any amount of sex we're having, believe me.

But your actual behavior belies your hateful sewage that seems to spill out every time you speak. Because you guys can't seem to get enough of the sexy ladies. So which is it, people? Would you like us to be virgins or whores? Time to choose.

Or maybe it's some adolescent grudge against women because you just couldn't get a girl way back when. Well, it's time to grow up and let that go. We're not the enemy. You're your own enemy.

And don't get me started on you women who hate women. Must I quote Mean Girls? Don't make it okay for men to call us sluts and whores. You're undermining your own sex and putting the hard work of all the strong women before us back 50 to 100 years. What's next? Repeal suffrage?

But back to my sluttiness. It's none of your goddamn business who I have sex with and how often. Just because I get laid does not make me worthy of your derision. Sex is not bad. It's not. No matter how guilty you feel every time you have it (or wish you had it). And you should want me to have access to affordable contraception because I am positive that you don't want to pay for my disability when I contract AIDS (because I couldn't get condoms) or to feed my children that I can't support (condoms or the pill) or, and try not to die of a heart attack, my abortion. Getting me and women everywhere access to these services helps your economy and the oh-so-dreaded government spending. Getting women access to contraception prevents abortions. Why is that so hard to understand?

Moreover, if I get this right, your problem is that you don't want to pay for women's health services (like contraception). You say that if the government pays for it, that makes women prostitutes. Hrm. Setting aside that that is probably the most illogical argument I've heard in a long time (I mean, I can't even make that make some sort of sense), I actually think that the government should start regulating prostitution, get prostitutes tested, provide them with health care and contraception. But I realize that's too much of a stretch for your very closed minds.

But back to the pill and it's contribution to sluts everywhere. You clearly don't understand how the pill works, so let me 'splain it to you. In order for it to work, you have to take it every day. Understand? Every day. You don't just take it when you have sex, you just take it every day. You don't take more when you have sex, you just take it every day. The cost is the same if you have sex once in a year or 365 days. It's the same.

Also, and this is going to blow your mind, say we use your term "slut" to mean women who have sex with different partners. Well, those women might take the pill, but I guaran-fucking-tee that they're using condoms. Why? Because this is 2012 and this is the age of AIDS and no one wants to die. Who doesn't use condoms? People who aren't educated in why and how to use them, people who don't have access to condoms, people who only had abstinence-only education in school? So who is spreading STDs and HIV? That's right, those same people. And when they contract AIDS, who is going to pay for their health care (because they're now not eligible for private insurance and they're probably too sick to work so they're on social security), oh yeah, the government. Which you hate so much, but which seems to pay your paycheck so nicely.

But yeah, most women who just use the pill are actually in committed relationships. So there goes your slut theory. Yet even women in committed relationships need affordable access to contraception. Why, you ask? Because not everyone has your millions. Because not everyone can afford to or wants to feed 12 children because they couldn't get the pill. And don't even suggest that these women are sluts for having sex with their boyfriends or husbands. If you really think that it's reasonable for couples to be celibate except in the effort of procreation, you're really bigger hypocrites than I thought.

And don't get me started on overpopulation. Once again, do you really want more children born onto this planet? Or, better yet, into the system? You don't want to pay for welfare, for food stamps, then get your heads out of your asses and provide contraception.

But I'm not done. Because there's a whole 'nother group of us women who take the pill but not for contraception, who take the pill because it's medically necessary. I am a mess. My ovaries have persistent cysts, my uterus is tipped, and I have Endometriosis. I need the hormones to regulate my body and to help with the pain. So I take the pill (every day, just like we discussed). I have for years. I can't imagine living without it. Does that make me a slut? Does that make me morally questionable? But it's the pill and I bet my bottom dollar that any insurance company just looks at that prescription and doesn't see that it's medically necessary; all it sees is THE PILL. And if we allow insurance companies to not cover what they deem morally questionable, women like me could be screwed (that word choice was deliberate).

Morally questionable. Now it seems like a good idea to you. But what if your insurance company is run by a religion that deems medicine morally questionable, or blood transfusions, or  vaccines? Or, GASP, Viagra? Chew on that for a bit. Then get back to me.

Also: as always, a reminder that while you may think this is a Christian nation, nowhere in the Constitution is there a national religion. In the contrary, we have separation of church and state. So keep your church out of my uterus and my vagina.

I realize this post is going to get a lot of heated comments. I will not be responding to them, however. I've stated my views. Feel free to debate, but please keep it civil.

16 comments mean you love me:

JP said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

The only comment you'll get from me is raucous applause.

Well done ma'am.

Lindsey said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

This post says, almost word for the word, the things I scream at the TV when I see these jackasses flapping their mouths. Thank you for writing it all down for everyone to see. :-)

KLZ said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

The Christian nation thing really gets me. I happen to be a Christian but I happen to live in a country founded on the basis of freedom of religion.

Lynnette said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

One of your best posts to date. You summed up most of my thought on this very nicely. Thank you

Yvonne said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You should really send it to them! Bravo!

Becky said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Love it. This is our generation's fight for women's rights. Bravo!

Pschtyckque said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

If church was held in a uterus and vagina, I might actually attend!

Skye Harmony said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I believe the "slut" comment from Rush was in regards to the supposed $3K Fluke spent on birth control in a year. And she wants tax payers to pay for it. So basically she wants the goverment to pay her to have sex. That is the issue here.

Natalie said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

No, Anonymous, that is not the issue. That is not the issue here at all.

Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


alonewithcats said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I couldn't get a girl way back when, either, but fortunately I didn't grow up to be a woman hater like these douche canoes.

(As a misanthrope, I hate everyone, but that is a different story.)

FormerlyAnonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Great post, we are screaming at your politicians from Canada too...PS Harper also hates women, I wonder if he's catching whatever woman-hating disease these Republicans seem to have

Logical Libby said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


Nush said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hear Hear!

Pish Posh said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I wish I could give you more than silent applause but I lost my mind already on the far-christian right three times today and I'm spent. However, I will say:

yes, yes, yes yes yes, totally, yes, I agree, and OH I KNOW. YES!

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